One of the most important Question of this project, first starts with,
” does this make any sense “?
My business plan for this project is simple and black and white, for all to understand.
1. Acquire Commercial / Residential (3-6 acres approximately), in a demographically site in Southern California.
2. Build 40 doors, @ 1,952 sq ft. condo units, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. from our Modular systems. (see floor plan renderings shown as 1,952 sq ft.)
3. As of: 12-01-24, Our next upcoming project will currently include a 40 unit project, cost projections currently estimated at $18.0 mm USD, with an annualized 12% interest.
4. As construction commences, the calculated exit time frame is approximately 6 years or less.
5. No prepayment penalties exist for early payoff for Bank Loans or Private Investors.
6. ARP (accelerated repayment program) is available to all who qualify.
7. All Investors well be listed as: A. “Property Owners, B. Insurance Benefactors on all concerned polices. C. recorded on Land Titles Deed Documents, (duration of contract) D. Given Promissory notes, by CEO of Bella LP. E. 1st right to lien Property. F. Backed by Real Estate.
8. Currently as of 12-01-24 the minimum investment per Investor is set at $4.5 mm USD, per Investment Partner, $18.0 mm is current investment budget cost, projected ROI ranges from: north of $31.5 mm to north of $32.5 mm (pending demographics) 12
One of the most important questions of this project, first starts with,
“Does this make any sense?”
My business plan for this project is simple and black and white, for all to understand:
- Acquire commercial/residential (3-6 acres approximately) in a demographically suitable site in Southern California.
Build 40 doors, @ 1,952 sq. ft. condo units, 2 and 3-bedroom suites, from our modular systems.
(See floor plan renderings shown as 1,952 sq. ft.) - As of 12-01-24, our next upcoming project will include a 40-unit project, with cost projections currently estimated at $18.0 mm USD, with an annualized 12% interest.
- As construction commences, the calculated exit time frame is approximately 6 years or less.
- No prepayment penalties exist for early payoff for bank loans or private investors.
- ARP (accelerated repayment program) is available to all who qualify.
All investors will be listed as:
- Property Owners
- Insurance Benefactors on all concerned policies
- Recorded on land titles deed documents (duration of contract)
- Given promissory notes by the CEO of Bella LP
- 1st right to lien property
- Backed by real estate
Currently, as of 12-01-24, the minimum investment per investor is set at $4.5 mm USD per investment partner.
$18.0 mm is the current investment budget cost, with a projected ROI ranging from north of $31.5 mm to north of $32.5 mm (pending demographics).
Financial PLAN
* (40 units condo’s) in Southern California.
The Condos By Maverick project is scheduled duration is 6 years period or less.
* As of: 11-01-24 our current cost sets at $18.0 mm USD for condo project in Southern California. 40 condo doors.
* price may change at anytime pending: Inflation, Inventory, Materials, Tax’s and Fee’s, Delivery and cost of goods.
Qualify for:
A. “more shares”. each share is $4.5 mm an additional 12.0% ROI.
B.* (ARP) Accelerated Repayment Program, for all loan Investors ‘.
C.* 6 year term from construction start date, we’re expected to be fully finished within 6 years, or sooner pending (weather and City
D. *No prepayment penalties, for all early satisfied contacts.
E. Recent sales projections are north of $32.0 mm profits. as of 11-1-24
Bella LP /Condos By Maverick vision comes from our founder: Mike Verzosa, CEO and President of Bella LP.
1.One of Mike’s Vision is to help build and provide safe, value and ROI for all families and Investors.
2. Old traditional building ways, were fine for that error of time, sadly some builders are still using ancient practices in the builds today. Not at all, a good value for the consumer, Mike feels that today we need to embrace technique’s, innovations and technologies and make sure our builds, place our customers and Investors futures in the best possible position to receive the highest ROI.
3. Mike feels that everyone deserves to be a home owner at least once in there lives.
4. Mike understands that without the right people, staff, sub contractors, and hand chosen Investors, no creation is possible.
Thank you. Mike Verzosa Condos by Mavericks by Bella LP
Bella LP / Condos By Maverick Vision
Vision comes from our founder: Mike Verzosa, CEO and President of Bella LP.
- One of Mike's visions is to help build and provide safe, value, and ROI for all families and investors.
- Old traditional building ways were fine for that era of time. Sadly, some builders are still using ancient practices in the builds today. Not at all a good value for the consumer. Mike feels that today we need to embrace techniques, innovations, and technologies and ensure our builds place our customers and investors' futures in the best possible position to receive the highest ROI.
- Mike feels that everyone deserves to be a homeowner at least once in their lives.
- Mike understands that without the right people, staff, subcontractors, and hand-chosen investors, no creation is possible.
Thank you,
Mike Verzosa
Condos by Mavericks by Bella LP
Condos By Maverick Mission
Condos By Maverick has been licensed to be the General Contractor- GC as the selected builder for Bella LP.
***Condos By Maverick plans to take its uniqueness to every Metropolitan City, Suburb across the United States and Country.